The Journey of a leaf…

This journey started our quite simply.

On one such walks, I had collected a handful of fallen leaves that were so pretty. Once I got back to the Resolve Shed, I laid them down and began rolling out slabs of clay to make the rest of the soap dishes for the day. Sometimes my mind wanders to the “what ifs...” What if I press this leaf into the clay and cut out around it to make a leaf dish of some kind. The leaf bonded so well with the clay and after it was fired the imprint left behind was beautiful.

These first leaves were so unique and beautiful that a search began to find the right leaf, of the right tree, out of the right clay, and dipped in the right glaze to make that perfect leaf dish.

Fast forward into 2023…
I was blessed with an abundance of Raw natural clay from the property where we live. So, it is with great joy I get to process this wild, raw clay and make it into precious vessels that are lovely in any home setting. My mountains and the people here have forever left an imprint on me and so it is my hope that these Mountain leaves will carry this tradition on to the next generation! Mountain made, resilient, tough, smart and resourceful…

Resolve… Gratefully using what I have around me to make life better.
I am so glad you have given me the privilege to share this journey with you!
Till next time!
Get outside and enjoy God’s beautiful outdoors!
Ms. Jenny aka Mom

P.S. No Trees were harmed in our production. The fallen leaves have forever left their imprint on the clay.
"They will be called Oaks of Righteousness... to display God's glory. " Isaiah 61:3